The 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer(WCLC) of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) will take place from October 15 – 18, 2017, in Yokohama, Japan.
With the motto “Synergy to Conquer Lung Cancer”, the Conference will capture the collaborative spirit with participants of medical doctors, scientists, nurses, health professionals, government officials, partners from the industry, health advocacy groups and patients all over the world.
Our editorial team is going to attend the WCLC event this year. It is great to announce that our publisher AME Publishing Company is sponsor of delegate bags for the congress.
With this great opportunity, we are excited to meet the editorial board members, guest editors, contributors, and readers of our journals and books, and report significant information of the congress to our readers. Please note that our exhibit booth “AME Publishing Company” stands at No.1212 in the exhibit hall (Figure 1).
Looking forward to meeting you on the grand event of October!
The link to the 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer(WCLC) : https://wclc2017.iaslc.org/conference-information/welcome-message/.
Figure 1, Our exhibit booth “AME Publishing Company” stands at No.1212 in the exhibit hall.